Staying in a twelve-century tower of San Gimignano


Experience the tower, live authentic emotions

The Tower

Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
panoramic rooftop Salvucci Tower San Gimignano Tuscany

The interiors

Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower of San Gimignano
Staying in a twelve-century tower of San Gimignano
dining table first floor salvucci tower san gimignano
view from the salvucci tower in san gimignano
mezzanine second floor salvucci tower
passage way steps salvucci tower
third floor salvucci tower san gimignano
Staying in a medieval tower in Italy
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
bedroom salvucci tower staying in a medieval tower in tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
half bathroom salvucci tower san gimignano
internal staircase salvucci tower san gimignano
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
access to the salvucci tower san gimignano
kitchen under the terrace salvucci tower san gimignano

Panoramic Rooftop & views

panoramic terrace salvucci tower san gimignano
panoramic terrace salvucci tower san gimignano staying in a medieval tower in Italy
panoramic terrace salvucci tower san gimignano staying in a medieval tower in Italy
Staying in a twelve-century tower in Tuscany
panoramic view from the salvucci tower in san gimignano tuscany